
17th EGC offers two optional workshops: Meet the Editors and Introduction to Orthoptera. Both events will take place on 12th September. Please use online Registration to register for both events.

Meet the Editors

12th September, 17:30-18:30, with informal follow-up during the welcome drink.

We’d like to provide a platform for our participants to meet with editors of high impact journals on ecology, conservation and vegetation science and ask questions about the peer-review process and get tips on submitting a successful paper. This event is free of charge and all participants are cordially invited to join us before and during the welcome drink.

Euchorthippus declivus
Acrometopa italica

Euchorthippus declivus (left) and Acrometopa italica (right). Photos: Rocco Labadessa.



Introduction to Orthoptera

led by Rocco Labadessa

12th September, 12:00-17:30, with lunch break after indoor session

The workshop will provide key aspects on the taxonomy and ecology of grasshoppers, katydids and crickets. Through a brief course indoors and practical activities in the field, the workshop will familiarize participants with sampling and determination techniques, and also provide hints on the interpretation of orthopteran community and biodiversity data.

Rocco Labadessa is an active EDGG member, working as freelance biologist for environmental studies and biodiversity conservation projects in southern Italy, currently contracted by the Earth Observation Unit - Institute for Atmospheric Pollution of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IIA). His main research focus is plant and insect ecology and conservation, with specific studies on orthopteran ecology and biogeography, and their relationship with grassland structure and dynamics. ResearchGate profile:  

This event is optional, with a fee of €25.


Rocco Labadessa